Here’s how the system works: We hand off beer to our distributors (we have several, and all good ones) and they largely decide (with a little input from us) where the beers go. We give up a little control over the footprint of our market, and in return, our distros put beers where they think they will be best received. They are experts, after all. To say nothing of the fact we don’t have to buy those giant delivery trucks…
This is where you come in. If you’d like us in your favorite bar or grocery or whatever store, just tell them. As we say, “Ask. Repeat. Where’s Your West O?” Because we find that asking and reminding is a very effective way to get West O into your favorite haunts. Retailers tell their distributors, and eventually momentum builds and things happen. Please do us a solid and help us out with going the last mile.
Thanks in advance. And cheers!