One thing is for sure — owners Matt and Michaela are passionate about beer.
“My dad used to brew beer at home when we were kids,” Matt says. “It was always something we wanted to try. Then in 2003, my wife Michaela lined up a homebrew session with some friends of ours, and we started doing it on a regular basis. Michaela’s dad even decided to plant three acres of barley and 40 hop vines in his back yard. Our passion is a family thing. It always has been, and continues to be today.”
“In 2008 we started a business plan for a microbrewery. All of our plans revolved around family—not immediate family, but a West O Beer family. We wanted to find other people out there, an entire team, who all shared our same love for beer — then grow it, and share it with others. We found them, and it worked.”
“Water is the most constant ingredient and flavor in beer. This ingredient led us to an empty lot in West Okoboji, Iowa, which was serviced with spring-fed, naturally soft water from West Okoboji Lake. Building on this lot in 2013 was the best decision we ever made. Our water is so important that we donate a portion of our proceeds to help preserve and protect the natural resources of the Iowa Great Lakes Region. You’ll hear us talk a lot about our water, and for good reason. It’s a big deal.”
“We’re not an average family. We are West O Beer. If our beer were average, we’d be wasting your time. Our staff raises the bar on everything, including our process. With full confidence, we’ll set a pint of our beer up against anything. When you see the name West O Beer, you’ll know who you’re dealing with.
“It’s not all bar-raising. We raise a glass every day, too — to fun and good beer. We’re all in, all the time. And we now welcome you into our family.”